***FTPMAIL commands for NWS.FTPMail.OPS@noaa.gov FTPMAIL server*** **** IMPORTANT NOTICES **** Effective September 07, 2016, the address of the FTPMAIL service changed from NWS.FTPMail.OPS@noaa.gov to NWS.FTPMail.OPS@noaa.gov. If you restrict incoming e-mail as a means of preventing spam, you must configure your e-mail system to allow mail from NWS.FTPMail.OPS@noaa.gov Read the help file carefully - 99% of errors using FTPMAIL are simple typo's, incorrect capitalization, failure to send in plain text format, leading or trailing spaces, or failure to set up any spam filters properly. These instructions are subject to revision....download frequently. FTP's files and sends them back via electronic mail NOTE: *.noaa.gov are the only valid FTP sites for this FTPMAIL server. NOTE: Capitalization is critical for this server. Commands are un-capitalized, while some directory and file names are CAPITALIZED, while others are un-capitalized. To use FTPMAIL: o Send an E-mail via the Internet to NWS.FTPMail.OPS@noaa.gov o Put anything you like on the subject line o Enter a command script in the body of the message Example scripts are: reply-to lmjm@server.big.ac.uk open dir quit Connect to default_site (tgftp.nws.noaa.gov) and send back the contents of the top level directory to lmjm@server.big.ac.uk open cd fax get PWAG01.TIF quit Connect to default_site (tgftp.nws.noaa.gov) and send back the chart file PWAG01.TIF to e-mail address of requestor >>Valid commands to the ftpmail gateway are: reply-to email-address Who to send the response to. This is optional and defaults to the users email address >>Followed by one of: help Just send back help delete jobid Delete the given job (jobid is received from server) open [site [user [pass]]] Site to ftp to. Default is: default_site anonymous reply-to-address. >>If there was an open then it can be followed by up to 100 of the >>following commands cd pathname Change directory. cd .. Move up 1 directory. cd / Move to the root directory. ls [pathname] Short listing of pathname. Default pathname is current directory. dir [pathname] Long listing of pathname. Default pathname is current directory. get pathname Get a file and email it back. compress Compress files/dir-listings before emailing back gzip Gzip files/dir-listings before emailing back uuencode These are mutually exclusive options for btoa converting a binary file before emailing. (Default is uuencode.) force uuencode Force all files or directory listings to force btoa be encoded before sending back. There is no default. mime Send the message as a Mime Version 1.0 message. Text will be sent as text/plain charset=US-ASCII Non-text as application/octet-stream. If the file is splitup then it will be sent as a message/partial. force mime As mime but force text files to be sent as application/octet-stream no [compress|gzip|uuencode|btoa|mime] Turn the option off. size num[K|M] Set the max size a file can be before it is split up and emailed back in parts to the given number of Kilo or Mega bytes. This is limited to 275KB. Default is 275KB. mode binary Change the mode selected for the get mode ascii command. Defaults to binary. quit End of input - ignore any following lines. Author: Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch, W/AFS26 National Weather Service Last Modified Mar. 16, 2023 Document URL: https://www.weather.gov/media/marine/ftpcmd.txt ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/fax/ftpcmd.txt